Sunday 8 December 2013

Lucas Bright NLP Coaching - Relocated to East London

It's official!!!!

I have finally relocated to London. I am now living in Bethnal Green, London E2 and am available for NLP coaching and training across east and central London.

I will be announcing more news of new developments in London very soon. Meanwhile please feel very welcome to contact me if you would like to see me for a one-to-one NLP coaching session in London or if you would like to arrange for me to visit your workplace to deliver some practical training.

You will find more information about my services on my London NLP website by clicking on the following link: NLP in east and central London

You can also read about the hypnotherapy services, which I also now offer in Bethnal Green and east London, by clicking here: Andy's hypnotherapy services in east London

Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Money Mind

Many of the world’s leading figures in coaching and personal development have drawn similar conclusions about the key steps to financial success. They have observed and modelled millionaires and billionaires. And they have used this knowledge to train and inspire people from all walks of life to achieve greater wealth.The coaching I offer my clients is based on this knowledge.

Beliefs about yourself and money

One of the biggest barriers to financial success can be holding limiting beliefs about yourself, about your capabilities or even about your worth. You may already be aware of these beliefs and perhaps you would like some help overcoming them, or maybe the beliefs have been there so long that you are barely conscious of them. It is as if they operate as presuppositions at an unconscious level undermining your efforts to make more money.

Having a coach, even for a brief time, can really help you tackle your beliefs in a constructive way. So you can uncover what it is that has been holding you back and so you can replace them with useful beliefs. Many coaches now offer that kind of practical support.

Is this just affirmations

This isn’t just about saying a few affirmations, this is about designing the right kind of beliefs for you, supporting those beliefs with compelling evidence and then making the beliefs feel strong and sustainable. So you feel motivated to express these beliefs with real conviction, because you have made them absolutely true for yourself. You make them so true that you can easily imagine the consequences of these beliefs as you design your future and work towards it naturally and comfortably. I sometimes call them "felt beliefs", because you don't just think them you actually feel they are true too.

Hypnotising yourself

When you use coaching and NLP for this kind of work you effectively become your own hypnotist, because you design your own hypnotic programming. You will have designed the new hypnotic suggestions yourself based on your own unique values, so it is easy for your unconscious mind to adopt these suggestions, especially as you will be reinforcing them with your imagination. And this feels good too because your unconscious and conscious mind will be working in harmony, moving in the same direction towards predetermined goals, predetermined by you.

When you become your own hypnotist you create powerful effects on your own mind, probably a hundred times more powerful than the world’s greatest hypnotherapist could ever achieve.

Motivating yourself

When you have performed this kind of transformation at the level of beliefs it is then much easier to give some attention to your motivation. There are some terrific techniques in NLP for you to install powerful motivation strategies, so you get a boost of energy and willpower at those key times and places or during those important tasks.

Having a useful attitude

Through coaching you can also learn some useful attitudes towards money. It will be your choice whether you adopt them or not. They are based on the attitudes observed in many successful wealth creators, so we know they work.

Some of the attitudes offer you a major shift which can generate changes very quickly and surprisingly easily, and without undermining any of your important values.

Other attitude changes can be more subtle and yet they still have a powerful effect when adopted and sustained, for example have you considered the difference between “loving money” and “acquiring money”. Successful wealth creators are familiar with this distinction. They are very comfortable acquiring large amounts of money without any need to love or worship the stuff.

Making the connections between money and everything else

As you adopt useful beliefs, motivation and attitudes and generate greater financial success and freedom, you will naturally want to develop greater flexibility in your behaviour and habits.

Any kind of financial success is produced from some kind of creativity. You might want to explore your unique skills and abilities to make sure you are using them to good effect. Wealth can naturally flow from creative and productive activity, especially when you are flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances and as you recognise the variety of ways you can meet other people’s needs and desires with your unique skills. Any good coaching programme will offer you tips and techniques to maximise your creativity and ability to generate wealth for yourself by offering something useful to the world.

These are just a few ideas to stimulate your mind and imagination. There are many excellent books and websites about this subject, so it is worth doing some research or you are keen to make these changes for yourself. You could start with Paul McKenna's book "I Can Make You Rich"

Meanwhile you are also welcome to contact me by commenting here or by visiting my webpage - Coaching to help your Financial Properity.

May you prosper with abundance :-)

Monday 17 September 2012

NLP and Conflict Resolution

What might NLP and coaching offer to Conflict Resolution

I wonder if you have noticed some of the common characteristics of conflict, whether it be a momentary disagreement or something that has lasted a while.

The "Conflict State"

When you have been in conflict with somebody, and especially during the peak moments of that conflict, emotions were probably running high, you were in a different state to normal – maybe tense, anxious, angry. Maybe you were aware of the emotions at the time or maybe you were more aware afterwards when you calmed down and were able to reflect.

At some point, during or after the dispute, you realised your emotional state undermined your ability to resolve the issues with the other person and it probably impaired your reasoning at the time. The other person might have noticed you were in that state too, or maybe not. Maybe they were so absorbed in their own particular state they were unaware of yours. But, either way, they were probably effected by your state and they were responding accordingly.

The "Conflict Trance"

These kind of states share the characteristics of a trance. They involve fixed attention on one thing, closing down awareness of everything else and an ability to shut out a whole load of “unhelpful information” by a kind of selective reasoning. And, like a trance, you can go deeper and deeper ignoring more and more of what is going on around you. But, unlike meditative and therapeutic trances, the altered states in a conflict limit your choices, your imagination and your ability to communicate. In fact, in these states, you might have age regressed, generating behaviour reminiscent of childhood, like a tantrum or a sulk.

So most of the time you would prefer to be in a calm state, seeing things clearly, reasoning easily with the people around you. Then you feel relaxed and confident, smiling and enjoying the responses of other people as you get pleasure from a natural and easy connection. And you can think clearly and rationally, making agreement more achievable.

The "Resolution State"

This is where NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and coaching can really make a difference. Because you can learn to have greater control over your emotional states when dealing with other people. There are a variety of ways to do this, including a method called anchoring, a kind of “on/off switch” for resourceful states, such as calmness, confidence, focus.You can use anchoring, and other useful techniques, to help those around you too.

Maintaining rapport and preventing conflict

You can also prevent conflict by learning to elicit and maintain rapport with other people, even strangers and even people you don’t particularly like. This is very useful in the workplace where you sometimes meet people you don’t particularly like. You still have to do business with them so it really helps to create rapport, and you might end up liking them too.

With a small amount of coaching or training you can spot patterns of unconscious, non-literal and non-verbal communications and explore how the differences at these levels of communication are often the cause of misunderstanding. If you have ever felt like you were speaking a different language to somebody, even though you were both speaking English, you will have a greater awareness of how that occurs and how you can prevent it in the future.

By learning about communication at these levels, by understanding these patterns you can match them. This enables you to state your point of view in a way that is comfortable and familiar to the other person, so they understand you easily. You will be in rapport and speaking the same language. Even when you are disagreeing you will seem reasonable to one another and feel in accord, especially because you will be maintaining a resourceful emotional state too.

There is a wealth of information about this subject and the potential for developing these skills. Here is one website where you can read more about the subject written by leading NLPer Michael Carroll:

Michael Carroll (NLP Academy) on Conflict Resolution

If you would like individual coaching, or for me to visit your workplace, you can contact me on my website as follows:
Lucas Bright Coaching - NLP and Conflict Resolution
Lucas Bright Coaching - Home Page