Friday 1 April 2011

Public Speaking - How NLP Can Help

The challenges of public speaking

Many people ask me for help with public speaking. Some want to overcome nervousness or be more confident when they speak publicly. Others want to make more impact on their audience, get their point across more clearly or be more persuasive.

It seems many jobs require public speaking, within the organisation or to people outside. So it is important to have these skills.

The building blocks of successful public speaking

Practical NLP techniques can help you overcome fear or nervousness and build lasting confidence for any kind of public speaking.

The key elements to speaking with confidence and making an impact:
  • Feeling calm and confident in advance of public speaking engagements and immediately before starting your presentations
  • Maintaining a comfortable state throughout the presentation, so you enjoy the experience
  • Engaging your audience, gaining rapport and maintaining interest
  • Getting your points across clearly
  • Being convincing and persuasive
  • Getting a response from your audience
  • Structuring your presentation - starting well and ending well
Where does this knowledge come from

I coach public speaking based on the strategies developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder the creators of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). They studied excellent communicators and built models from their observations. These models, or strategies, have been used by thousands of people with remarkable results.

One great influence on contemporary communication is Milton Erickson. He was a therapist and hypnotist, and an exquisite communicator. He knew how to use words and non-verbal communication to express messages and ideas with impact. The language patterns used by Milton Erickson are extremely valuable when speaking to audiences and individuals. And you can learn them very easily.

Saying what you mean, meaning what you say

How many times have you heard somebody say one thing and seem to mean something else? Incongruence can be an obstacle to clear communication, successful rapport and effective public speaking.

When you pay attention to your congruence you can really raise the standard of your speaking.

Making an impact

When you speak you communicate with people's unconscious as well as the conscious, so it is a good idea to be aware of what you are really saying at that level. Just for starters I would suggest paying attention to the response you get, because this is the real meaning of your communication.

Getting results with NLP

You probably realise I am a massive fan of NLP. And of course I use it to help my clients in all kinds of ways. So, if you want to become a more confident and effective public speaker, I'd encourage you to consider using NLP - maybe do some research into the subject or contact an NLP coach. Or you could find an NLP training course, maybe specifically for public speaking - Richard Bandler runs one called "Charisma Enhancement".

If you see an NLP coach or attend a training you will learn, in just a few hours, to put yourself in a confident state and communicate with grace and style. And then by maintaining congruence and using persuasive language patterns and impactful non-verbal communication you can enjoy remarkable results.

If you would like to find out more about using NLP you might like to contact me or check out some of the many other excellent NLP websites, such as NLP Connections or Pure NLP.

In a way it is quite simple, if you do what excellent people do you will get the results they get. But don't just take my word for it, try it yourself.

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